Great priced lot best suited for basement.
Price: | $$20,500 |
Address: | 845 E Hawthorn Lane |
City: | Columbia City |
County: | Whitley County |
State: | Indiana |
Zip Code: | 46725 |
Subdivision: | Brennan |
MLS: | 202325186 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0 acres |
dom: | 68 |
zip: | 46725 |
fence: | None |
reoYN: | no |
curbYN: | yes |
lotNum: | 35 |
typeUse: | Residential |
fipsCode: | 18183 |
fuelType: | Electric, Gas |
location: | City |
saleRent: | For Sale |
township: | Columbia |
auctionYN: | no |
easements: | yes |
lotNumber: | 35 |
plattedYN: | yes |
sewerType: | City |
elementary: | Mary Raber |
gasCompany: | NIPSCO |
highSchool: | Columbia City |
roadAccess: | City |
sideOfRoad: | North |
annualTaxes: | 10.34 |
parcelNumId: | 92-06-11-101-035.000-004 |
roadSurface: | Asphalt |
middleSchool: | Indian Springs |
railSidingYN: | no |
restrictions: | Restrictions, Tap Fee |
roadFrontage: | City |
waterUtility: | City |
waterfrontYN: | no |
leasedAcresYN: | no |
schoolDistrict: | Whitley CO Cons Schools |
electricityType: | Available |
insideCityLimits: | Yes |
plannedUnitDevYN: | no |
yearTaxesPayable: | 2023 |
legalDescription1: | Lot 35 Brennan Add Sec 11-A |
parcelDescription: | Level |
statusCategoryMls: | Sold |
assocDuesFrequency: | Not Applicable |
plattedDevelopment: | yes |
addressSearchNumber: | 845 |
offMarketStatusDate: | 2023-12-29T00:00:00+00:00 |
directionsToProperty: | US 30 to SR 205 then west to Rolling Hills then to Hawthorn |
canPropertyBeDividedYN: | no |
structureBldgImprvmnts: | no |
buyerBrokerCompensation: | 3% |
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