Excellent Jefferson Township farm with contiguous acreage on the southwest corner of CO RD 500 E and 1000 S in Whitley County. 116.98 acres total with mostly all tillable except the site for an 86×96 pole barn and 3 small grain bins and an old tear down farm house a long with road right of ways. To be sold as a whole.
Price: | $$1,433,005 |
Address: | 10222 S 500 E-92 |
City: | Roanoke |
County: | Whitley County |
State: | Indiana |
Subdivision: | None |
MLS: | 202339419 |
Square Feet: | 5,095,648 |
Acres: | 116.98 |
Lot Square Feet: | 116.98 acres |
dom: | 1 |
zip: | 46783 |
fence: | None |
reoYN: | yes |
curbYN: | no |
options: | Sell Entirely |
parking: | Gravel, Private |
typeUse: | Agriculture |
fipsCode: | 18183 |
fuelType: | Available |
location: | Rural |
saleRent: | For Sale |
wellType: | Private |
auctionYN: | no |
easements: | yes |
plattedYN: | yes |
sewerType: | None |
elementary: | Coesse |
gasCompany: | NIPSCO |
highSchool: | Columbia City |
roadAccess: | County |
sideOfRoad: | West |
annualTaxes: | 6021.6 |
crossStreet: | 1000 South |
parcelNumId: | 92-10-33-000-101.000-006 |
roadSurface: | Other |
seaWallType: | None |
landFeatures: | Barn, House, Silo |
middleSchool: | Indian Springs |
railSidingYN: | no |
restrictions: | Zoning Restrictions |
roadFrontage: | County |
waterCompany: | Other |
waterUtility: | None |
leasedAcresYN: | no |
waterFeatures: | None |
otherFeesPrice: | 53 |
schoolDistrict: | Whitley CO Cons Schools |
electricCompany: | REMC |
electricityType: | Available |
excludedFromSale: | Robert Dennis |
insideCityLimits: | No |
numTillableAcres: | 110 |
plannedUnitDevYN: | no |
yearTaxesPayable: | 2023 |
legalDescription1: | PT NE4 S33 TWP 30 N R10 E A Containing 116.98 Acres See attached legal description from J.K. Walker & |
parcelDescription: | Undeveloped, Tillable, 15+ |
statusCategoryMls: | Sold |
assocDuesFrequency: | Not Applicable |
otherFeesFrequency: | Annually |
plattedDevelopment: | no |
specialAssessments: | None |
addressSearchNumber: | 10222 |
directionsToProperty: | 14 West to 500 East, left about 4.25 miles on right |
crpConsrvtnResrveProg: | N |
canPropertyBeDividedYN: | no |
sellerOwnsPlantedCrops: | no |
structureBldgImprvmnts: | no |
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